Quality Novel Studies, Nonfiction Book Studies, Readers' Theater Scripts, and More

Wolf Hollow Section Quizzes


Five section quizzes for Wolf Hollow by Lauren Wolk. Includes both print and digital options. Answer keys included.


Assess your students’ understanding of the novel Wolf Hollow by Lauren Wolk in smaller chunks. These 5 section quizzes can be helpful for holding students accountable for their reading if you test them several times as they are reading the book. This packet includes quizzes for 5 sections:

  • Section 1: Prologue-Chapter 5
  • Section 2: Chapters 6-11
  • Section 3: Chapters 12-17
  • Section 4: Chapters 18-22
  • Section 5: Chapters 23-27

Each section quiz has 12-14 questions. ANSWER KEYS ARE INCLUDED.

GO DIGITAL! The quizzes are also available as a self-grading Google Forms assessment. The crossword puzzles can be filled out inside a browser and submitted by printing a PDF or taking a screenshot of the completed puzzle.

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Looking for more?

Do you prefer to assess at the end of the book? This is a 46-question, comprehensive, end-of-book quiz.

Do you want a RIGOROUS assessment? This is a rigorous, evidenced-based exam with 32 multiple-choice, including 6 PARCC-style Part A/Part B questions.


Looking for games, projects, and more? Check out this complete novel study packet featuring a student worksheet packet, section quizzes, final exam, dice game, and much more. IF YOU PURCHASE THE NOVEL STUDY, ALL THE QUIZZES AND FINAL EXAM ARE INCLUDED IN IT.


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