Assess your students’ understanding of the novel There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom by Louis Sachar in smaller chunks. These 9 section quizzes and 9 crossword puzzles can be helpful for holding students accountable for their reading if you test them several times as they are reading the book. This packet includes quizzes for 9 sections:
- Chapters 1-5
- Chapters 6-9
- Chapters 10-14
- Chapters 15-21
- Chapters 22-26
- Chapters 27-31
- Chapters 32-37
- Chapters 36-42
- Chapters 43-47
Each section quiz has 5 questions. ANSWER KEYS ARE INCLUDED.
GO DIGITAL! The quizzes are also available as a self-grading Google Forms assessment. The crossword puzzles can be filled out inside a browser and submitted by printing a PDF or taking a screenshot of the completed puzzle.
Looking for more?
Do you prefer to assess at the end of the book? This is a 45-question, comprehensive, end-of-book quiz.
This complete novel study has a student worksheet packet, section quizzes, a vocabulary quiz, comprehensive quiz, dice game, and more. IF YOU PURCHASE THE NOVEL STUDY, ALL THE QUIZZES ARE INCLUDED IN IT.
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