Quality Novel Studies, Nonfiction Book Studies, Readers' Theater Scripts, and More

The Lightning Thief and The Elephant in the Room Custom Novel Study Bundle

Original price was: $29.90.Current price is: $25.42.

No prep novel study bundle for The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan and The Elephant in the Room by Holly Goldberg Sloan. Each novel study includes a student workbook with worksheets and graphic organizers, a variety of assessments, projects, games, complete answer key, and much more. Print and Google Drive digital options included.

325+ pages.


This custom novel study bundle features several resources to help you teach The Lightning Thief and The Elephant in the room. The books chosen for this bundle cover a wide variety of themes and characters and each item is NO PREP and CCSS aligned for 4th and 5th grade. Each product gives you the option to use printed materials or digital assignments with Google Drive options for students!

What is included?

  • Novel Study: The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) This story by Rick Riordan has many ties to Greek mythology and is a favorite among students.
  • Novel Study: The Elephant in the RoomThe Elephant in the room tells the story of Sila, a girl awaiting the return of her mother from Turkey, where she is trying to secure immigration paperwork to allow her to return to the US, a new friend Mateo, and a elderly man who has recently won the lottery. The unusual group of friends join forces to rescue a circus elephant named Veda in this uplifting story

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All novel studies include:

  • “Mark My Words” Vocabulary Bookmark
  • Student Worksheet Packet–great for independent work! (digital option)
  • Student Projects
  • Vocabulary Quiz
  • Section Quizzes (digital option)
  • Comprehensive quiz (digital option)
  • Vocabulary Cards
  • Q & A Dice Game
  • Complete Answer Keys
  • CCSS Checklists

***The Lightning Thief also includes a final exam (some include PARCC-style Part A, Part B questions) (digital option)

Covers these CCSS Standards:

  • R.L. 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.10
  • R.L. 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.10
  • L. 4.4, 4.4a, 4.4c, 4.5, 4.5a, 4.5b, 4.5c
  • L. 5.4, 5.4a, 5.4c, 5.5, 5.5a, 5.5b, 5.5c

Skills addressed in this book study guide include:

  • determining word meaning from context clues or a dictionary
  • synonyms and antonyms
  • identifying and explaining the meaning and purpose of figurative language
  • give evidence to support an answer or opinion
  • making predictions
  • persuasive writing
  • summarize/describe events
  • identify theme(s)
  • point of view
  • identify the narrator
  • describe a character
  • making inferences
  • foreshadowing
  • describe how a character has changed from the beginning of the story to the end
  • compare and contrast characters, books (student project), and the book version and the film version (student project)

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Questions or comments? Contact My Reading Resources directly at: myreadingresources@yahoo.com.

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